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Zde je prostor určen Vám všem, kteří máte jakýkoliv dotaz týkající se ZDRAVÍ a zejména WELLNESS.

      •  Chcete učinit nějaké kroky vpřed a nevíte jaké, jak a kde?
      •  Nemáte koho se zeptat na otázku stravování, cvičení, doplňků stravy nebo relaxace?
      •  Jsou tu nějaká témata, na která není prostor u Vašeho ošetřujícího lékaře?
      •  Také jste obklopeni všemožnými rozpory ze sdělovacích prostředků a nevíte, který je správný?

Na všechny dotazy rádi ZDARMA reagujeme. Zanecháte-li nám email, budeme Vás o odpovědi informovat. Bude-li povaha dotazu vyžadovat detailnější rozbor, nabídneme Vám konzultaci, na níž se Vám budeme rádi věnovat. Poradenství mimo tuto poradnu se již řídí aktuálně platným ceníkem:

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Všechny své dotazy na nás můžete směrovat elektronickou poštou na adresu info@komplexnizdravi.cz nebo prostřednictvím formuláře na konci stránky.

Zde je výběr Vašich dotazů, které si myslíme, že mohou zajímat i další návštěvníky. Pokud si nepřejete Váš dotaz uveřejnit, sdělte nám to.


25.4.2024 | 00:34:55 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:18 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:18 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:17 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:17 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:16 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:14 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:13 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:13 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:08 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:08 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
25.4.2024 | 00:34:08 Bryanhoict |
ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer a...
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio, When contacting, mention promo code DDS50.
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